25 of the Best Fashion Snapchat Accounts to Follow
9:13 pm
Fashion Websites
1. @mirodoor - Fashion website with jobs, volunteering and internships. Also has articles and fashion college search. Managed by yours truly ;) www.mirodoor.com2. @thecoveteur - The Coveteur. www.thecoveteur.com
3. @mbfashionweek - MBFW. Usually pretty quiet when it isn't Fashion Week.
4. @styeldotcom - Style.com. Filled mainly with videos, its fashion market director Rachael Wang, who is currently running the account, also provides brief commentaries on the collections.
6. @asosfashion - ASOS
7. @popcherry - Pop Cherry. Snaps a lot of their latest clothes and behind the scenes photoshoots
8. @herfashionbox - Her Fashion Box. Fashion and beauty subscription box.
Fashion Bloggers
9. @garypeppergirl - Gary Pepper / Nicole Warne. Want to know how a glamorous fashion blogger lives? Her account is perfect
10. @shinebythree - Margaret Zhang. Me and her in the photo below at my first Fashion Show!
11. @raspberrynrougue - Rebecca Laurey. Her fabulous fashion blogging/styling life in Amsterdam
12. @chiaraferragni - Chiara Ferragni. Snaps A LOT.
13. @weworewhat - Danielle Berstein
14. @zanitazanita - Zanita Whittington. Photo below is Zanita and I at Australian Fashion Week!
Fashion Designers
15. @eliesaablive - Elie Saab. My FAV designer!
16. @maisonvalentino - Valentino. Love love love
17. @thezoereport - Rachel Zoe
18. @han_studios - HAN. Australian fashion designer
19. @rebeccaminkoff - Rebecaa Minkoff
Fashion Magazines
20. @seventeenmag - US magazine, Seventeen
21. @cosmomag - US magazine, Cosmopolitan
22. @theevachen212 - Editor-in-chief of Lucky. Snaps a lot of her day and her super cute baby
23. @girlfriendmag - Australian magazine, Girlfriend. Snaps a lot of their fun office
24. @the.cut - US magazine, The Cut
25. @alluremag - US magazine, Allure
Online Shopping
5. @missguidedsnaps - MissGuided6. @asosfashion - ASOS
7. @popcherry - Pop Cherry. Snaps a lot of their latest clothes and behind the scenes photoshoots
8. @herfashionbox - Her Fashion Box. Fashion and beauty subscription box.
Fashion Bloggers
9. @garypeppergirl - Gary Pepper / Nicole Warne. Want to know how a glamorous fashion blogger lives? Her account is perfect
10. @shinebythree - Margaret Zhang. Me and her in the photo below at my first Fashion Show!

12. @chiaraferragni - Chiara Ferragni. Snaps A LOT.
13. @weworewhat - Danielle Berstein
14. @zanitazanita - Zanita Whittington. Photo below is Zanita and I at Australian Fashion Week!

Fashion Designers
15. @eliesaablive - Elie Saab. My FAV designer!
16. @maisonvalentino - Valentino. Love love love
17. @thezoereport - Rachel Zoe
18. @han_studios - HAN. Australian fashion designer
19. @rebeccaminkoff - Rebecaa Minkoff
Fashion Magazines
20. @seventeenmag - US magazine, Seventeen
21. @cosmomag - US magazine, Cosmopolitan
22. @theevachen212 - Editor-in-chief of Lucky. Snaps a lot of her day and her super cute baby
23. @girlfriendmag - Australian magazine, Girlfriend. Snaps a lot of their fun office
24. @the.cut - US magazine, The Cut
25. @alluremag - US magazine, Allure
