China 🇨🇳
5:52 pm
I got back from one of the craziest travel adventures I've ever had. I did the Trans Mongolian Railway through G Adventures. We went from Sydney to Shanghai with Qantas, and I do the social media for my mum's Travel Managers Instagram and Facebook. I put up this photo below and wrote, "Quick read before my tour group and I travel with Qantas to start our adventure with G Adventures" and I tagged Qantas and G Adventures.

Qantas replied with, "Sit back and relax! We can't wait to welcome you onboard. See you soon :)" and on the plane, we got amazing customer service, especially by our flight attendant, Ross Collins who gave my mum a happy birthday and free champers for mum's tour group! He kept asking if we needed anything, gave us some more chocolate; he really spoilt us. As I got off the plane in Shanghai, Facebook and Instagram were blocked, by luckily I had installed a VPN, which allows me to use my phone as if I was in another country. So I uploaded this photo below, giving our thanks to Qantas and compliments to Ross. Again Qantas replied to the photo, saying happy birthday again. I like to think that because I uploaded these photos and tagged Qantas on mum's Travel Manager's Facebook, they recognised that she is a travel agent and a special client of theirs. I learnt all this from interning as a Fashion PR, but this is like "Travel PR" and mum is my client.

Shanghai is a beautiful, modern city with many interesting people. Their culture was a big shock to us as what they think is normal is rude to us. They will kind of "cut you off" when walking and I shamefully have adopted this. Now I'm back in my friendly and warm city of Sydney, I can get rid of this habit.

The Chinese are very practical, they used bicycles as shop stands.

European architecture.


Xi'an is such a stunning, ancient city. This was the Bell Tower, built in 1394. Cities are more beautiful at night.

I love their persistency. Do we look like we need paper airplanes? hahaha love it.
Chinese calligraphy.

I want to start using Asian skincare products more, because they're so beautiful and they can look 25 when they're actually 40. I found Etude House, which I first discovered in Singapore, and I got addicted. But I only bought two or three sheet masks in Singapore, so I stocked up in Shanghai! I had been studying for weeks about Asian beauty, but the true Asian Beauty Mecca is in South Korea. I will go to South Korea just to buy beauty products! And I can see my friend, Seungsu who I met in England while on exchange. I also collect Vogue from around the world. I have collected 10 out of 20, so half way done! I was a bit annoyed that Kendall Jenner was on the cover, because she is American, obviously not Chinese, but at least there is another Chinese celebrity on the cover as well. Vogue India is the cheapest in the world (well so far with what I have) with it being about 2.70 AUD and Germany is the most expensive with 9 AUD, with Australia behind with 8.50 AUD.

Part of the Forbidden City

We went to a beautiful tea ceremony. We tried fruit, black, white, green, chamomile and ginseng tea, and I took home fruit and white tea. Thank God I could get it through customs back home. I should get ginseng tea as it gives you energy and relieves menstrual cramps, while chamomile tea also relieves menstrual cramps but is good to drink before you hit the hay.

Overall, China was definitely an experience. Not sure if I will go again, because I have already "done" the main cities. If I go again, I would go to more villages and small towns. But I will need to go with someone who knows fluent Chinese and English because hardly any people spoke English so it was quite hard to get my message across. It was also very difficult, but interesting to know that we are not allowed to speak about their culture, how they live or anything about the government because they are so strict on it. If anyone hears you talk about it, you could go to jail. So that's crazy!
Next up, Mongolia.
